How to create Packages

Blanca Castillo
Blanca Castillo
  • Updated

Where do I find it?

Setup > Packages


What does it mean?

Creating Packages is a great way to combine tours and products, perfect for creating roundtrips or combo tickets with two or more components. By creating a 'Package', you will be able to create a new product by combining already existing products in your account. A good example will be a transfer to and from the airport. In this case, you would have a priceplan for the trip from the airport and a priceplan to the airport. Using the 'Package' function, you can combine both trips and sell a roundtrip on the basis of your individual priceplans. 


What should I do?

In order to create a 'Package', go to Setup > Packages and click on 'Create package group'.

Then enter the Name, the primary route (capacity) just in case you don't select date and time for your package components, a product image to be shown on the webshop and a description (optional) and additional description (optional). If you set a primary route, the capacity management will take the configured capacity of this primary route in case no event is selected for the booking.

Inside a Package Group you can create packages that are similar or that have the same components but different rates. For example, in a package group called Transfers you can add the Transfer City-Airport Adult and the Transfer City-Airport Child. 

Once the package group is created, now you need to create the package by clicking on 'Create package':


Then enter the 'Attributes':

  • Name: it's important to enter a comprehensive name and indicates if it's an adult or child package.
  • Code: you can enter up to 8 characters (mandatory)
  • Package price is shared on tickets if you want to display the price on the PDF tickets.
  • Version: If you choose version V1 you will have to create the prices and manually define a price for this package. Otherwise, if you select V2 the price will be automatically calculated as the sum of the bundle components. For example, if each component of the bundle costs 8 euro, using the version V2 the price of the bundle will automatically be set to 16 euro. However, you can also mark the bundle as discountable in order to make discounts applicable.
  • Description: it's optional.


Next, go to the 'Contents' tab and enter here the information about the package's components.

  • Product: select the package component from the dropdown list.
  • Price Plan: select the priceplan you want to include in the package.
  • Price: select here the passenger category/seat category you wish to include in the package.
  • Date/time option: 
    • NONE: select this option if a date and time are unnecessary for booking this component.
    • DATE: select this option if a only a date is necessary for booking this component.
    • DATETIME: select this option if a specific date and time are necessary for booking this component.
  • Timetable offset (minutes):

    If you set a timetable offset, and the selected event is automatically assigned, the second part of the bundle assigned should be the next event after this number of minutes, having as a reference the time of the first package component. So, for instance, if the first bundle component automatically assigned is at 10:00h and the second bundle component is configured with a timetable-offset of 120 minutes, it means that the second bundle component selected event by the system would be the next one after 12:00h. In this case, the customer can choose an event after the offset time.




  • Discountable: toggle this switch if you allow your customers to apply discounts to this package component.
  • Items: number of items to want to include in the package component.

After you have entered all the content for the package component, click on '+ Add content to package' to proceed to the next component, if applicable.

Please, note that you can also add 'Merchandise' items to the package.

For example, we'll add two adult components: one from the airport to the city and another from the city back to the airport.


Then, we can verify the successful inclusion of the two components within the package.


Following that, you can enter a different name for the package in each language available on your webshop.

Afterward, if you selected the 'V1' version for the package, then you are required to input prices in the 'Price' tab for direct sales and partner sales for each sales channel (MPOS, Boxoffice, API, and Online). Additionally, include any relevant external costs if applicable.

However, if you selected the version 'V2' in the 'Attributes' tab, then you don't have to enter any price as the system itself calculates the total price by summing each component price.

Next, access the 'Sales date range' tab and choose a valid sales date range that specifies the duration during which this ticket will be available for purchase.


Finally, go to the 'Ticket layout' tab, choose a ticket layout and click on the '+' button if you wish to print an additional ticket after each component ticket.

Failure to select any ticket layout assignment means that the device will only print the ticket components.


At the end, please remember to click 'Save' to ensure your changes are saved.