How to issue manual bookings

Blanca Castillo
Blanca Castillo
  • Updated

Where do I find it?

At the bottom left of the backoffice screen, you will find the link to the Boxoffice.


What does it mean?

We are going to explain in this article the best way to make manual bookings, which is using the BoxOffice tool.

If you make the booking in the boxoffice, you can select the event date and time, and pick-up place if applicable and you can also enter the customer information if you need it. On the checkout page, you should select the payment account. 



What should I do?

  1. Select your waypoint
  2. Select your offer (own account or a supplier account)
  3. Select Operation line and Route if applicable
  4. Select Date/Time
  5. Select Tickets
  6. Add to basket
  7. If you want to continue shopping then come back to point number 2. If not, then click on "Go to basket"
  8. Checkout
  9. Select payment account
  10. Introduce customer data if applicable
  11. Submit order: you can download the tickets as a PDF file, send them by email to your guest or to yourself.


You can also make a booking for a mandated partner, for that, firstly you need to switch to your mandated partner account by clicking on the circle icon and then selecting the partner:


After that, you will see how the header turns red color now, it means that you are acting as a mandated partner now.

The process to make the booking is the same as we explained before.

The Boxoffice also allows you to manually enter a voucher number for that booking in case you need your partner's voucher number registered in the system. For that, you need to contact and ask us to activate this special feature.

Once this feature has been activated you will be able to enter an external reference as the Booking ID on the checkout page.

For instance, if you enter the booking ID 123456, the booking will be registered in the system as XXXXXX-123456, where XXXXXX is a combination of letters and numbers.


How does the report or cash settlement look?

The bookings made on your own Boxoffice start with a "J" (i.e. J17J08QT500007RQIKIK). Those bookings will be registered as Direct Sales and they will remain with the status BOOKED until the check-in.

The bookings made as a Mandated partner also start with a "J", they are registered as Indirect Sales, so they will remain as BOOKED until the moment of redemption. 

In the supplier booking search:



In the agent booking search:
