How to reschedule a booking to 'No event'

Blanca Castillo
Blanca Castillo
  • Updated

Where do I find it?

Operations > Tickets & Bookings



What does it mean?

This feature allows you to modify a booking without selecting a specific event, enabling you to retain the booking without cancelling or refunding it. Once your customers have chosen a new date in the future, you can then reschedule it for the appropriate event. For more information, please visit the following article: How to reschedule a booking or ticket


What should I do?

You need to navigate to the booking page, to do this, you can search using the booking ID, customer name, email, or ticket ID among others. For more information, please visit the following article.

Once on the standard booking details screen (Operations > Tickets & Bookings), select the ticket and by clicking on 'Reschedule Departure’, you can select the date on the calendar and then ‘No Event’ from the available options on the right.




Please note that you can also access the booking details screen from the ‘Manifest’, located under the ‘Next Departures’ page.


Once there, select the booking and choose the ‘View Booking Details’ option.



From this screen, you can update the event following the previous instructions. After making the changes, you can return to the manifest page by clicking the link at the top of the page.


Please, visit the following article for more information about ‘Next departures’.