How to set up "Routes"

Blanca Castillo
Blanca Castillo
  • Updated

Where do I find it?

Setup > Products & Services > Routes


What does it mean?

In Routes, you establish the distinct waypoints for all the tours offered by your business. Routes are essential to your product setup; without a route, it is impossible to create a timetable or add an offer to your webshop.


What should I do?

Prior to creating a route, it is necessary to establish the 'Product'.

To create a route, click the '+ Add' button and fill in the necessary information about the tour:

  • Name: Route Name
  • Code: The code is like an abbreviation for the route. It's mandatory.
  • Products: Assign the route to the according product.
  • Description: Enter a short description of the route, it's optional and it will be visible on your webshop.
  • Additional Description: For more additional information about the route. It's optional and visible on the webshop.
  • Image: This will be the photo displayed for the route on the webshop and on the boxoffice. You should upload multiples images up to 800px width and 400px height. You can add up to 5 images.

Next, go to the 'Waypoints' tab and add the waypoints to your route. This step is essential to be able to generate a timetable for your route, at least one waypoint must be added. To proceed, simply select them and click 'Save'.


Finally, go to the 'Translations' tab and enter the route name, description and additional description in wach language available on your webshop.



On the Route page, all your routes are displayed in a tile format, each accompanied by a picture. Clicking the price tag icon takes you directly to the 'Prices' page while clicking the calendar icon leads to the calendar page.