Where do I find it?
Account> Templates> PDF Templates:
What does it mean?
Tokens are generally used for personalized customer emails, they are placeholders for dynamic content. Here you can find the list of tokens you can use for your email templates and also for your PDF tickets and invoices (receipts):
Description | Email token | PDF token | Example |
Owner name | {{OWNER_NAME}} | ${ownerName} | Palisis Sightseeing |
Owner contact email | {{CUSTOMER_CARE_EMAIL}} | ${ownerEmail} | info@palisis.com |
Owner Address |
${ownerAddress1} ${ownerAddress2} |
Seestrasse 25 | |
Owner Country | ${ownerCountry} | Switzerland | |
Owner City | ${ownerCity} | Zurich | |
Owner logo | ${ownerLogo} | ||
Owner phone | ${ownerPhone} | +41 44 533 40 40 | |
Terms and Conditions link | ${ownerTOCUrl} | https://www.palisis.com/terms-conditions/ | |
Booking number | {{BOOKING_UID}} | ${bookingUID} | J1CI08QT1500082NPKR8 |
QR booking id |
${qrBookingUID} Example: <img src="${contextUrl}/bo/public/barcode.png?size=100&qrcontent=${qrBookingUID}"> |
Short reservation reference | {{BOOKING_ASSIGNED_UID}} | ${shortUID} | BQU |
Booking time | {{BOOKING_TIME}} | 01:32 | |
City, date and hour of booking creation (City, date format MM/dd/YY hh:mm) | ${bookingCreated} | Granada, 2/15/23 13:45 | |
Number of tickets | ${entry.number} | 2 | |
Number of tickets for the same passenger category and seat category | ${itemEntry.number} | 2 | |
Amount per currency | ${entry.amountWithCurrency} | EUR 40.00 | |
Amount of tickets for the same passenger category, seat category and currency | ${itemEntry.amountWithCurrency} | 2 | |
Subtotal amount without discounts | ${subTotal} | EUR 40.00 | |
Discount amount | ${subDiscount} | EUR 1.00 | |
Total amount (subtotal + discounts) | ${total} | EUR 39.00 | |
Amount to be paid on redeem | ${entry.remainder} | EUR 2.00 | |
VAT description | ${vat.vatDescription} | Including 10% VAT 123456 based on Transport EUR 3.64 | |
Sales channel | {{CHANNEL}} | Boxoffice, Webshop, etc. | |
Text: “Your credit card ending with **** has been successfully authorized” | ${creditCardLastDigitsMessage} | Your credit card ending with 1111 has been successfully authorized. | |
Text: “Invoice issued electronically to passenger email on date and time of booking” | ${invoiceIssuedToAtNowMessage} | Invoice issued electronically to support@palisis.com on 2/15/23 14:55 | |
Text: “Ticket booked on date and time of booking and issued on date and time of PDF creation”. Date format MM/dd/YY hh:mm) | ${ticketBookedAndCreatedMessage} | Ticket booked on 2/13/23 16:25 and issued on 2/15/23 14:55 | |
Booking status | {{BOOKING_STATUS}} | Booked, reserved, cancelled, etc. | |
First customer name and last name | {{PASSENGER_DATA[NAME]}} |
John Smith Smith |
Customer email address | {{PASSENGER_DATA[EMAIL]}} |
john@palisis.com |
Customer company | {{PASSENGER_DATA[COMPANY]}} |
Palisis |
Customer address |
Florastrasse 18a 8610 Uster Zürich Switzerland |
Customer phone | {{PASSENGER_DATA[PHONE]}} |
+41 44 533 4040 |
Customer nationality | {{PASSENGER_DATA[NATIONALITY]}} |
Swiss |
Customer passport number | {{PASSENGER_DATA[PASSPORT]}} |
A123456 |
Customer date of birth | {{PASSENGER_DATA[DATE_OF_BIRTH]}} |
01/01/2001 |
Customer airline | {{PASSENGER_DATA[AIRLINE]}} |
Air France |
Customer flight number | {{PASSENGER_DATA[FLIGHT_NUMBER]}} |
21221 |
Customer comment | {{PASSENGER_DATA[COMMENT]}} |
Special needs |
Customer special request | {{PASSENGER_DATA[SPECIAL_REQUEST]}} |
Wheelchair |
First customer name, last name and email address |
${customerName} ${customerEmail} |
John Smith Smith john@palisis.com |
Rest of customers name, last name and email address |
${entry.customerName} ${entry.customerEmail} |
Customer notes | {{CUSTOMER_COMMENT}} | ${comment} | Passenger with wheelchair |
Ticket number | {{BOOKING_ENTRY}}.bookingEntryUid | ${entry.uid} | K1CQ08QT1A00008G5E20N |
List of tickets number, separated by comma | ${entry.ticketUIDs} | QR08QT6EBCM, QR08QT05BCN | |
Ticket QR code |
${entry.qrUid} Example: <img src="${contextUrl}/bo/public/barcode.png?size=100&qrcontent=${entry.qrUid}"> |
External reference ID | ${entry.externalReferenceUID} | 1384CAYA | |
External reference QR code |
${entry.externalReferenceUID} Example: <img src="${contextUrl}/bo/public/barcode.png?size=100&qrcontent=${entry.externalReferenceUID}"/> |
Operation line | {{BOOKING_ENTRY}}.opLineName | Hop on hop off | |
Route |
${entry.name} ${entry.itemName} - route name per ticket |
Hop on hop off | |
Route image |
${entry.imageUrl} Example: <img src="${entry.imageUrl}"/> |
Selected event time | {{BOOKING_ENTRY}}.selectedEvent | 09:00 | |
Event date and time (MM/dd/YY hh:mm) |
${entry.event} ${entry.selectedEvent} |
2/17/23 09:00 | |
Pickup point | {{BOOKING_ENTRY}}.pickupInfo | ${entry.pickupInfo} | Hotel Marriot |
Priceplan | {{BOOKING_ENTRY}}.priceplanName | ${entry.priceplanName} | 24 hours ticket |
Passenger category | {{BOOKING_ENTRY}}.passCatName | Adult | |
Seat category | {{BOOKING_ENTRY}}.seatCatName | Standard | |
Passenger and seat category | ${itemEntry.name} | Adult (Standard) | |
Passenger and seat category per ticket | ${entry.seatsAndPassengerCategoryInfo} | 1 x Adult (Standard) | |
Partner name | {{PARTNER_NAME} |
Star travel agent |
What should I do?
You can use these tokens on the email templates created in Account> Templates> Email Templates
For more information about this topic, please visit our support article about "How to configure your PDF Templates".