How to properly use Adyen devices

Blanca Castillo
Blanca Castillo
  • Updated

In this article you will find some of the most important instructions for Adyen terminals. Following these instructions will ensure a smooth user experience:

1. Please, DO NOT remove the SIM card. This will cause the terminal to disconnect from the internet. Reconnecting it might take up to 24 hours.

2. Keep your terminals online and plugged in overnight. The terminals reboot everyday. To reboot automatically, the terminals need to be turned on at the restart hour. To download updates when they reboot, the terminals also need to have network connection. This means you must ensure that your terminal is turned on and connected to the network during at least one maintenance interval before the restart hour (at 6:00 AM by default)

3. Always make sure that the cloud icon appears in the status bar.


4. To be considered after the app is installed: during the download and installation, depending on internet connectivity, the Palisis app cannot be used for up to 30 minutes. It is possible that the Palisis app version requires additional permissions for phone calls to be granted on the first startup. It is important that every user confirms it so the Palisis app does not cease functioning. It also requires the user to confirm the terminal he/she is selling over when attempting the first credit card payment. Essentially, a pop-up will appear asking for terminal selection from a list. In that list, the user has to select the right terminal as per the serial number (starting with 158…) which is mentioned on the back of the device. 

5. Unbinding the device: In case you have selected the wrong device from the list, you should click on the gear icon from the ticketing start screen and click on “Unbind Adyen CC”. When you make the next credit card payment, you have the chance to select the correct terminal. 

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There is now a new popup informing the user that the device is offline or is not connected to Adyen giving the possibility to retry to connect or choose a different payment terminal.



6. Support mode: if you need to upload the device logs, you must go to support mode. Remember to exit this "mode" once the process is done by clicking on the arrow in the upper left corner.

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7. Paper rolls specifications: The paper roll of the Adyen S1F2 devices has a width of 58mm and can be up to 35mm in thickness. Certain rolls have a cutout of 10mm in the middle, but it’s also possible to use one with a smaller cutout.


What should I do when…:




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