What does it mean?
Palisis MarketPay is a new functionality that allows you to accept payments and issue refunds online. All you have to do is create and verify your sub-merchant account directly from the Palisis Backoffice. You will be able to start processing credit card payments immediately, no need to worry about the tedious process of opening a new sub-merchant account.
With Palisis MarketPay, we are able to perform the following:
- Onboarding and verification: Easy onboarding process and “Know Your Customer” (KYC) checks from the Backoffice.
- Split payments: Split payments between one or multiple sub-merchants like sales agents and suppliers, deduct costs or commissions as needed, and hold funds until payout.
- Payouts: You will receive payouts on a monthly basis. To receive payouts you’ll need to link a valid bank account.
Where do I find it?
Company name (top right corner) > Merchant Marketpay
How can I start the onboarding process?
One big advantage of Palisis MarketPay is the ability to create commercial agreements and discuss rates directly with your Palisis account manager, meaning one less supplier you have to deal with. Contact Palisis support (support@palisis.com) to activate this feature for your account. Once activated, you can create a MarketPay account on your own, following the steps mentioned here.
You can start the onboarding process from either the Backoffice (if you are an owner or supplier) or from the Boxoffice (if you are a partner). You will need to confirm both Adyen and Palisis Terms of Service (ToS) before creating a Palisis MarketPay account. Customers can also select a legal entity:
- Individual: a person or sole proprietorship
- Business: a business or company
For security purposes, only admin users are able to create and manage a Palisis MarketPay account:
In the Backoffice:
- Click on the company name in the upper right corner of the screen
- Click on “Merchant Marketpay”
- Select the legal entity
- Tick all the boxes and click on “Create new Merchant Account”
In the Boxoffice, partners can accept TOS and create an account:
- Click on the company name in the upper right corner of the screen
- Click on “Marketpay KYC”
- Select the legal entity
- Tick all the boxes and click on “Create new Merchant Account”
There is also a new tick box in Configuration > Sales Channels > Merchant, which indicates if your merchant is a Palisis MarketPay account. The box is automatically ticked when a MarketPay account is created. The merchant account name and ID are entered in the following fields. Important: Do not change or edit these fields.
If you have more than one Palisis account which you want to use with the same MarketPay merchant, contact our support desk (support@palisis.com) to get help with the setup.
What should I do in the KYC process?
After clicking on "Create new Merchant Account" you will be forwarded to the Adyen merchant setup page, where some information has to be provided. Please, fill in all the information required by the “Know Your Customer (KYC)” process, including company details, address, beneficial owner, bank details and identification documents.
First, you will see the onboarding page where you need to click on “Get started” to begin the process:
Once this is done, you will see another page where you can add company and beneficial owner details. Let’s start with the company details:
Here you will need to confirm your authority to complete this procedure:
After you confirm, you can enter the business details and address.
Legal business name:
Make sure to use the exact same name as shown in your commercial register (Handelsregisterauszug), since this document has to be uploaded in the next step.
Requirements may vary depending on the country you are operating in, but generally, you will need to fill in a tax number, phone number, business email address and web address, which is the URL of your homepage.
Click on “Next” and fill in your address details.
Then on “Save”.
Finally, you will see a spinner on the last page, which means that the system is still verifying the data entered. Finally, you will be redirected to this page where you have to click “Upload company document”.
Here you have to upload your commercial register (Handelsregisterauszug) if this document happens to be older than 12 months it needs to be signed by the owner/legal representative with the actual date.
The status of the company details should be “In further review” OR "Verified" and you can continue with adding decision makers details following the instructions. You need to provide here at least one signatory role:
Then click on “ID document” and upload a valid ID (passport or personnel ID, no driving license).
At the end, both sections will be “In further review”, so you can complete the process and start accepting payments.
Once you finish this part, the status should be "Processing" or "Verified" and then you can continue adding the bank details:
Bank details
Here you need fill the Name on bank account, country code, currency code and IBAN account number:
Once you save you will be given the option to upload a bank document.
This has to be any document issued by your bank stating the owner's name and the full account number (account statement, payment receipt, …) as provided in the step before.
Finally, you need to pass a PCI DSS compliance asking a Self Assessments Questionnaire.
Click on “Add details”.
Read, accept and sign the PCI compliance.
Once it has been done, this section will show as “Finished” and you will be able to download the PDF document.
Once you finish all these steps the Merchant will be “In further review” :
At this point, the merchant is actually functional and payments can be accepted.
Once the review is completed everything should be green and “Finished”:
You will be automatically redirected to the Palisis Backoffice.
What should I do after that?
If you have already started the onboarding process but are still missing some information, every time you log in to the Palisis Backoffice or Boxoffice you will see a warning pop up reminding you to complete the process. This message has a direct link to the KYC page.
Once the process is complete, you won't receive any more warnings. You can still access the MarketPay onboarding page by clicking on the “Merchant Marketpay” section - you will be automatically redirected.
Once the Palisis MarketPay account is created, there are a few possible scenarios, depending on user type:
- Backoffice admin users will see an error warning pop up and have access to the KYC Onboarding Page from the Backoffice. They can fill in the missing data.
- Backoffice standard users will see the error message but do not have access to the “Merchant Marketpay” section or the KYC onboarding page.
- Boxoffice admin users will see an error warning pop up and have access to the KYC Onboarding Page in Boxoffice. They can fill in the missing data.
- Boxoffice standard users will see the error warning but do not have access to the Hosted Onboarding Page (HOP).
Your existing payment gateway will not be replaced automatically; Palisis admins have to make that change. If there was no payment gateway previously configured, Palisis MarketPay will become your default gateway automatically.