Devices: brand, model and serial number

Blanca Castillo
Blanca Castillo
  • Updated
  • STM 7700


Brand: Woongjin

Model: STM-7700

Serial number (S/N):  You can find the serial number if you turn on the device, remove the back cover and the battery. You will find there a sticker with a barcode and the serial number.




  • Pidion 1500



Brand: Bluebird Pidion

Model: BIP-1500

Serial number (S/N): You can find the device serial number if you turn on the device and remove the pin pad keypad or the back cover. You will find there a sticker with a barcode and the serial number.




  • Pidion 1530



Brand: Bluebird Pidion

Model: BIP-1530

Serial number (S/N): You can find the device serial number if you turn on the device and remove the pin pad keypad or the back cover. You will find there a sticker with a barcode and the serial number.




  • PAX A920


Brand:  PAX

Model: A920

Serial number (S/N): you can find the serial number on the back side.



  • Adyen S1F2

Brand:  Castles Technology

Model: S1F2

Serial number (S/N): you can find the serial number on the back side.




  • Sunmi T2 Mini


Brand: Sunmi

Model: T2 Mini

Serial number (S/N): If you turn on the device you can find the serial number on a sticker near the ports.



  • Sunmi V2 Pro

Brand: Sunmi

Model: V2 Pro

Serial Number (S/N): You can find the serial number on a sticker on the back cover.




  • Sunmi L2

Brand: Sunmi

Model: L2

Serial Number (S/N): The serial number is probably on a sticker on the back cover, but if not, then you can find it if you remove the back cover. You can find there a sticker with the serial number (S/N) and the IMEI. 



  • Windows POS



Brand: P2 Plus Inc

Model: C190

Serial number (S/N): You can find the serial number if you raise the screen and remove the protective cover. You will find a sticker with two barcodes and the serial number.



