How to set up the sales user commissions

Blanca Castillo
Blanca Castillo
  • Updated


In this video, we’ll guide you through creating commissioning templates for sales users.

Where do I find it?

Account > Sales User Commission



What does it mean?

Typically, it involves a linear commission that can be applied universally to all products and merchandise or selectively to specific products and merchandise, depending on the configuration of the commission rule template.

The commission rule template includes the calculation necessary to apply a specified commission to a sales user. This calculation may vary based on various conditions, such as payment accounts (cash, credit card, etc.), the waypoints, and the products sold. Furthermore, it's possible to set up multiple thresholds to determine different commission rates. It means that sales up to the threshold amount will earn a commission at rate X, and any sales exceeding that threshold will earn a commission at rate Y. This system incentivizes higher performance by offering increased commission rates for surpassing the set sales target or threshold.

Additionally, it is possible to create multiple templates, each of which can be assigned to individual users, one at a time. Let’s see how we can do it.


What should I do?

Typically, it involves a linear commission that can be applied universally to all products and merchandise or selectively to specific products and merchandise, depending on the configuration of the commission rule template.

The commission rule template includes the calculation necessary to apply a specified commission to a sales user. This calculation may vary based on various conditions, such as payment accounts (cash, credit card, etc.), the waypoints, and the products sold. Furthermore, it's possible to set up multiple thresholds to determine different commission rates. It means that sales up to the threshold amount will earn a commission at rate X, and any sales exceeding that threshold will earn a commission at rate Y. This system incentivizes higher performance by offering increased commission rates for surpassing the set sales target or threshold.

Additionally, it is possible to create multiple templates, each of which can be assigned to individual users, one at a time. Let’s see how we can do it.

What should I do?

This section explains how to create a commission rule template with various options.

First of all, we should navigate to Account > Sales User Commission and then click on the “+Add” button:



Then enter a name for your commission template and click on “Save”:



After that, we need to click on the “Edit rule” button to create our template:



Now, we specify the start date for applying this rule. This means that before this date, the rule will not be applied to any sales user. Additionally, select the commission type, whether it's percentage-based, transaction-based, or both. In our example, we have chosen the "both" option.




To create a new threshold, we have to:

  1. Click on the “+Add revenue threshold” link
  2. Enter the revenue threshold with both a minimum and maximum amount (ensuring they do not overlap with existing thresholds).
  3. Input the commission rates, consisting of a fixed amount and a percentage based on our initial selection.
  4. Repeat the process for each desired threshold.



As the commission is calculated on a ticket basis a new commission rate is applied to the next ticket that is over the next threshold. For example, your revenue is at 95 EUR and the next threshold level is at 100 EUR and you sell now two tickets each at 10 EUR. The first ticket gets the commission from the current threshold, and the second ticket from the next threshold.

The threshold is always based on revenue and not on commission.

Here, we must consider certain limitations:

  • Commission rate 0.1% bis 99.9%
  • Fixed amount 0.10 EUR/USD/CHF to XXXX.00 EUR/USD/CHF (Steps of 0.10 EUR/USD/CHF)
  • A maximum of 8 thresholds


Adding Payment Accounts

It is possible to assign different commission rates for tickets paid through various payment accounts. This is useful if you wish to promote a specific payment method among your sales users. For instance, you might want to encourage credit card payments over cash.

For that, we should click on the “+ by Payment Account” button and add the desired payment account column to the template:



We should repeat the process for all the relevant payment accounts. In our example we have added “Cash” and “Credit Card” as commissionable payment accounts:



Adding Products or Merchandise

It is also possible to assign different commission rates to different products. This is particularly useful for promoting the sale of specific products over others.

For that, we should click on the “+ by Product or Waypoint” button, select the “Products” or “Merchandise” tab, then mark the product or products from the list and click on “Save restriction”. In our example, we have restricted the commission rule to the product “Hop on hop off” product, but we could have selected multiple options.




After that, the new rule is created under the default one:



To delete a specific item, simply click on the trash icon and select "Delete":



To edit a specific rule, simply click on the edit icon:



Adding Waypoints

We could create special commission rates for one or some specific waypoints. This is particularly useful for promoting the sales in a certain point of sale.

For that, we should click on the “+ by Product or Waypoint” button, select the “Waypoint” tab, select the waypoints (one or several) from the list and click on “Save restriction”. In our example, we have restricted the commission rule to the product “Hop on hop off” product, but we could have selected multiple options.



Adding Product and Waypoints

If you are interested in promoting sales of a specific product in a specific waypoint, then you can create the rule including both variables:

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Editing a commission template

For that, we have to click on the “Edit” button:



To edit a specific rule, simply click on the edit icon:



Changes to a template are only possible until it is first used by a sales user, which occurs with the opening of a cash settlement. Thereafter, modifications can only be made by setting a new start date, and this updated template will not affect any cash settlements that are already open.


How to assign a commission template

After creating your commission template, navigate to Account > User Management and edit the attributes of the sales user:




Then, select the corresponding template from the “Sales User Commission” list:



The calculation of the sales user’s commission begins with the opening of the cash settlement and concludes with their closing, occurring on a ticket-by-ticket basis. Refunds processed after the closing of the cash settlements will not affect the commission.

If a sale is made in a currency other than the main currency, the commission is converted back to the main currency.


How can I view it in the reports?

This feature adds more information to your cash settlements and reports. Here, we explain where to find this information and how it appears.

Cash settlement

If you are using commissions templates for your sales users, your cash settlements will look slightly different.

On the Cash settlement overview you can check the total commission amount earned by the sales user at that moment:


Once in the cash settlement details view, you can see the following:

  1. Total amount of sales user’s commission
  2. Sales user’s commission per ticket



Report Templates

There are five new columns in the report templates (Reporting > Templates) that you can use to build your reports and retrieve information about the sales users' commissions.



Sales User Commission: This is the commission earned by the sales user on that ticket.

Sale User Commission Threshold Amount: This indicates the starting value of the threshold tier. It could be “0” for a threshold between 0 $ and 100 $ and “101” for a threshold between 101 $ and 5000 $.

Sales User Commission Percent: This is the amount of commission earned for this ticket based on the percentage defined in the template. As it is a percentage calculation, the resultant amount depends on the ticket price.

Sales User Commission Fixed Amount: This is the fixed amount of commission earned for this ticket.

Examples of valid values include:



For further information on this topic, kindly refer to this article:

Track and improve street ticket revenue with sales user commissioning