How to configure "Widgets"?

Blanca Castillo
Blanca Castillo
  • Updated

Where do I find it?

Sales channels > Widgets


What does it mean?

This is a functionality with which you can easily process Internet sales. For either yourself or your partners. You can entirely customize your tours enhancing your customers' experience. And the most important thing, it doesn't need additional development or extra efforts, it's only a few lines of code.

If you want to integrate a Widget into a website there are 3 different possibilities:

1. You can integrate a "book" button into your website. If you click on the button you will be forwarded to the booking widget, which is your own site. This method is called "direct link". For this method, you need to use the following link.

2. Via Java Script. You can integrate our Java code into your website code. It is a similar method to the iFrame method except that it is easier to integrate and the website is pushed into the background and becomes black.

3. The last method is the iFrame method. It is the nicest and cleanest method, Palisis recommends to use this method if possible. This is an HTML code you should integrate into your website.

Let's see now the different points that you can adjust.


What should I do?

You need to create a new online-shop widget per route, per language and per partner in case you want to provide your partners with this feature. For that, you have to click on the "+Add" button and enter the parameters.

Let's see all the parameters to be filled.

In the "Attributes" tab:

Token: It identifies this widget within the Palisis ecosystem.

Name: We recommend you choose a descriptive name including the route name, language and partner if applicable.

Webshop is active: you can enable or disable this setting as many times as you decide.

Route or Package based widget: select the correct option depending on wether it's a route or a package.

Route: Route name, it's essential to have at least a waypoint assigned to that route.

Language: at the moment there are 10 languages available, probably they will be more in the future.

Calendar setup: there are multiple possibilities to show the calendar depending on your preference, you can show date and time, only date, or no one of them.

Discount: you can decide if you allow or do not allow the application of discounts.

Customer Data: if it's enabled the widget will ask for the customer data (Name, phone and comment) after selecting the tickets.

Newsletter: if it's enabled, the customer can tick the newsletter box to receive news from your company.

Skip intro-step: if it's disabled, you can see an introduction to the product as a first step of the process. If it's enabled, the first step will the calendar selection.

Zero booking allowed: this setting allows you to sell 0 EUR tickets (price 0 in your currency), for instance, Infant tickets alone or it also allows your customer to check out with a deposit of 0% in order to pay the whole amount at the bus.

Event preload (month): how many months you want to show on the calendar

Manual ticket-input maximum: how many tickets as a maximum can be entered manually by the customer.

Blackout event (in minutes): how many minutes before the departure you don't want to allow the purchase.

Next, you can navigate to the rest of tabs.


In the Google Analytics tab:

Google Analytics Tracking ID: the widget is also integrated with Google Analytics.

Google Analytics Ecommerce: you can enable or disable this option, which means that the widget sends over ALL the ticket data to google, AFTER a successful checkout. This is for ROI measurement with your google ad campaigns.

Anonymize IP for Google Tag Manager and Analytics: you can enable this option to anonymize the IP for Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics.


Next, in the "Options" tab you can find the settings to customize your widget according to the your branding.

Layout Color (it only applies for the new design)

Background color for the shop title in the introduction Main color of the title
Background color for the lead actions Main color of buttons like "BOOK NOW" or "NEXT"
Background color for the lead information Main color of information messages like "Capacity exceeded"
Main background color Main color of the widget
Main header background color Main color of the header. It doesn't apply for the introduction
Main font color It's possible to change the font color
Action font color Font color of the "change" link to change the time
Contrast font color Font color of buttons like "BOOK NOW" or "NEXT"

To make this a bit more obvious I created an example with a legend:


mceclip5.png mceclip6.png mceclip8.png



Layout Font (it only applies for the new design)

Font URL You can change the font, here you need to enter a URL code. I.e. for Pacifico:
Font Family Besides the URL, you also need to enter the name of the font. I.e. for Pacifico: Pacifico.




Legal Info/Config (HTML allowed) if you enable this setting, it will appear a tick box on the checkout page where you can write legal information for every language.
Show product-description at CC input If you enable this setting, it will show the description on the checkout screen.
Show multi-currency drop down in checkout process If you enable this stting, it will show a drop-down in case of  multi-currency on the checkout.



In the "Code" tab, you can find the widget code and copy it in order to use it on your own website.

Public link: it opens a new tab with the widget.

Copy: if you click here you copy the widget public URL.

After that, you will find the widget code to use it on your website as a pop-up and also as an iframe below.

Finally, in the "Partner" tab, you have the option to designate the widget to one of your partners. This ensures that bookings are recorded in Palisis under "Indirect Sales" attributed to that specific partner. Alternatively, you can retain it under your own service.