How to use the "Dashboards" report

Blanca Castillo
Blanca Castillo
  • Updated

Where do I find it?

Reporting > Dashboards


What does it mean?

In this section, you can find a visual representation of key metrics and data presented in easy-to-read interface. It provides you with an overview of the most relevent information, allowing you to quickly assess performance and make informed decisions.

Currently, the 'Dashboards' report only include the following metrics:

  • Gross Revenue: Total income from sales before any costs or commissions are deducted. 

  • Revenue: Total income after commissions, external costs and refunds are deducted.

  • Tickets: Total number of tickets sold.

  • Passengers: Total number of passengers (checked-in tickets and vouchers).

  • Sales user: Various graphs displaying the top-performing sales users.

  • Reseller / Agents: Various graphs displaying the top-performing agents and resellers.

  • Sales source: Direct vs. Indirect: Various graphs illustrating the comparison between direct and indirect sales.

  • Tickets price: This indicator shows the average ticket price.

  • Commission %: This indicator shows the average commission.

  • Refund: average amount of refunds.

  • Prebooking window: This indicator shows the prebooking window, meaning how far in advance customers book their experience.

  • Pre-booked: how many people made a pre-booking.

  • Walks-up: How many people made a pre-booking and how many checked in directly.

What should I do?

You have to select a specific date, you can either choose it from the calendar oruse the 'yesterday', 'today', or 'tomorrow' buttons. Additionally, you must select an option from the dropdown menu to indicate whether the date refers to the 'Booking Time', 'Event Time', or 'Settlement Time'. The default selection is 'Today' and 'Booking Time'.

You can filter the information displayed in the dashboard by going to the gear icon > Filter, where you can select the information to include in the report.



It's also possible to include or remove items from the report by going to the gear icon > Included items:


You can also add or remove the sections displayed on the Dashboard by going to the gear icon > Account sections. Here, you can make the sections visible or invisible, and you drag and drop them to change the order.


You can expand each section and select the graph you wish to display on your dashboard. This selection applies only to your user account.

Dashboards_Different options of content.gif

This is how the dashboard looks after selecting the relevant content:

How the Dashboard looks.gif

To remove a tile, simply click the three-dot menu and select ‘Remove tile’.



How to download a report?

After selecting the time frame, filters and included items, it's possible to download this information as a usual report using one of your report templates by going to the gear icon > Export. Here you can select the report template and the file format (CSV, XLSX or PDF).
