Where do I find it?
Account > Templates > Email Templates
What does it mean?
With this functionality, we can influence the text and appearance of emails sent by Palisis. The following emails that can be configured:
- Booking Info: This is the email to the address added in the specific Operation Line. This is usually used to inform either a supplier or a specific department in your company about a booking.
- Cancel Info: This email is sent to the email address informed in the Operation Line. It's used to inform your staff or the supplier about a canceled or refunded booking.
- Ticket Boxoffice: This is the automated answer for a booking through a boxoffice.
- Ticket Online: This is the automated answer if somebody successfully books in one of your webshops/Widgets.
- Internal Cooperation Request: This email is sent to Partners you wish to cooperate with that are already existing Palsisis partners.
- External Cooperation Request: This one is sent to Partners without an existing affiliation to Palisis.
- Reservation: It's the automated email sent for a reservation.
- Twofactor Add: This email notifies you once Two-Factor Authentication has been successfully added to your profile.
- Twofactor Remove: This email notifies you when the Two-Factor Authentication has been removed from your profile.
- Password Change: This email notifies you when your password has been changed.
We choose to structure the creation of those emails into two parts. Template and Text body. While the Template roughly defines the structure of the mail, the Text body is just the text that you send in it. Please note that at the bottom of this page you can enter the Text body language specific.
What should I do?
Before you get too excited and begin configuring your own emails, we should give you a heads-up:
Configuring emails in HTML is by far more complicated than one would think! Depending on email application and screen resolution emails will look completely different. If something looks good in your Outlook there is absolutely no guarantee that it will look good in Gmail. If you want to do considerable changes to those emails we strongly suggest you ask your web developer for some help. The good message is this; if anything goes wrong you have always the "Restore defaults" button!
You can also add an attachment of your choosing to each one of those emails (any file extension is supported).