How to use the "Data export" report

Blanca Castillo
Blanca Castillo
  • Updated

Where do I find it?

Reporting > Data export


What does it mean?

The 'Data export' is quite similar to the 'At a glance', you can set filters in order to create custom reports, the main difference is that only saved reports in this section can be scheduled to be sent automatically. 

How to use the "At a Glance" report


What should I do?

First of all, select the date:

And then proceed to specify the information you wish to display by choosing the appropriate filters.


For each filter you can select all the results (picture 1), some of them (picture 2) or just one (picture 3):

Picture 1



Picture 2





Picture 3


After the selection of every filter, click on 'Confirm'. And click on 'Reset' to revert to the original selection of all the results.

In the 'Export' tab, you have the option to export the report using the selected template in either .CSV or .XLSX format. The default template is 'All columns', which includes nearly all the columns, but you can opt for a different one if necessary. You can craft your own template as per your preferences. For instructions on how to do this, please refer to the following article.

How to configure your "Report Templates"

Additionally, here you can select the 'Included items', which typically consist of Bookings, Payments, Refunds, Cancellations, and Check-ins, to prevent duplication and irrelevant data.


Finally, in the 'Saved reports' tab, you can create and save a report that can be stored either as private, only available for you, or public, available for all users.

In order to do so, enter a name, an optional description and select if it would be a private or public report. Then click on 'Save'.


Afterward,  go to Reporting > Saved reports and click on 'Edit' the recently saved report to schedule the automatic sending of the report:

For more information about this, please visit the following article.

How to setup automatic reports


You can also access the saved from Reporting > Saved reports. It's a quick and efficient way to save your most frequently requested reports, eliminating the need to manually select filters and items each time.