How to setup the "online shop menu"

Blanca Castillo
Blanca Castillo
  • Updated

Where do I find it?

Sales channels > Online shop menu


What does it mean?

In this section, you can customize your online shop menu, which determines the information showcased on your webshop. For example, if you offer different prices for onsite versus online sales, you can specify whether the lower prices should be displayed on the 'BOOK' button. Additionally, you can highlight specific offers on your webshop.

You can also assign a picture that will be printed on every PDF ticket (also BoxOffice sales).

Let's explore further.


What should I do?

Click on the 'Edit' button for the route you wish to configure.

After that, you can enter a feature price if you want to highlight this offer on your webshop and an additional description.

Finally, you have the option to upload a picture to be displayed on your PDF ticket if you wish to use a different image than the one shown on the webshop for that offer.


Example for the "Book" button with the featured price:

Online-Shop Desktop:           


Online-Shop Widget:


This is a PDF-Ticket with the ticket picture: