In this video, we’ll guide you through the process of creating manual discounts:
Where do I find it?
Prices > Discounts > Manual
What does it mean?
Manual discounts are discounts that can be applied (or not) to a specific passenger category and priceplan when selling on your device.
What should I do?
To create a manual discount, go to Prices > Discounts > Add Manual Discount
Enter the information in the 'Basics' tab:
- Name the discount
- Click on the selector to enable the discount
- Enter a code (mandatory)
- Select the discount value (percent or fixed amount)
- Enter the discounted amount. In our example it's 1 EUR discount (fixed amount).
- Enter a description (optional)
Next, go to the 'Dates' tab and choose the dates in which you want to be able to purchase and use the discount. It's also possible to configure a relative prebooking start/end discount.
Then, go to the 'Restrictions' tab and choose which business units or operation lines (Products) and passenger categories you want to apply this discount to.
In our example, we have configured our 1 EUR discount applicable on all tours and all passenger categories until 31/03/2024.
Finally, in the 'Translations' tab, you can input the discount name in all the languages available on your webshop.
The manual discounts can also be applied to 'Packages'. To configure this, go to Setup > Packages. Once you have chosen the package, change the version to V2 in the 'Attributes' tab and click the selector “Discountable” in the 'Contents' tab.
Once this has been configured, you can apply the discount by clicking the passenger category on your device for a few seconds, and the discount will be applied automatically.
Keep in mind that if you click on the passenger category for too short, or for too long, the discount will not be applied. A trick is to press it and lift your finger just before the spin that appears closes, as displayed below.
Below the chosen product, you will see the name of the discount if it has been applied effectively.