How to setup the self service terminal

Blanca Castillo
Blanca Castillo
  • Updated

Where can I find it?

You can find the settings in different locations:

Sales channels > Webshop > Edit > Attributes > Booking Process





Sales channels > Webshop > Edit > Attributes > Layout And Color



Sales channels > Webshop > Edit > Attributes > Calendar



Sales channels > Webshop > Edit > Attributes > Localization



Sales channels > Webshop > Edit > Attributes > Self-service Terminal




What does it mean?

The Palisis Self-Service terminal complements your onsite sales team in a highly efficient way. It sells 24/7/365 in all weather conditions. This terminal covers a lot of your labor-intensive procedures like card and mobile wallet sales, redemptions, check-ins.

It also doubles as a customer information display, between sales the screen can be used to advertise your own or third-party services.

Once you log into the device you are redirected to the self-service webshop, which should be set up according to the following instructions.


What should I do?

How to configure the webshop

We will explain below how to configure every setting and what they mean. Please, contact our support team if you need further assistance.

First of all, you need to enable the self-service design on the webshop. To do this, navigate to Sales channels > Webshop > Edit your webshop > Attributes > Layout and Color and enable the “Reduced layout (self-service)” attribute.


After that, the webshop will display this look and field, allowing you to continue with the configuration.



Next, go to the Self-service tab and enable the relevant settings according to your needs. Here, we explain the function of each attribute. Navigate to Sales Channel > Webshop > Edit your webshop > Attributes > Self-service Terminal


Attribute Description

Self-Service Terminal ID

This option needs to be enabled-

Yes - This webshop is displayed on the self-service terminal.

No (Default) - This webshop is not displayed on a self-service terminal

Payment running message

Message to inform the user about the payment process. It can be different for every language, e.g. “The payment is in progress. Please follow the instructions on the payment terminal.”

Header iframe url

You can insert here an URL to be displayed on the header

Header iframe height

The header iframe height can be defined here, in pixels

Footer iframe url

You can insert here an URL to be displayed on the footer

Footer iframe height

The footer iframe height can be defined here, in pixels

Hide PDF Download

Yes - Hide the link to download your PDF tickets after the booking

No - Default value, link available to download the PDF

Passenger data disabled

Yes - Hide the passenger data fields on the checkout screen

No - Default value, you can enter the passenger data on the checkout

Booking process timeout

After this number of seconds of inactivity while booking, the device shows a message and the user should select “Proceed booking” or “Cancel” within X seconds. By default it is not active.

Booking checkout timeout

After this number of seconds of inactivity on the last page “Download your tickets!”, the device shows a pop-up of “Inactive session” and the user should select “Extend” or “Close now”. By default it is not active.


After the first pop-up message of inactivity, the system will close the booking process after this number of seconds of inactivity.

Self-Service Thermo print

Yes - if there is a thermo printer connected to the device

No - default value, there isn’t thermo printer connected


Yes - It checks internally the status of the  printer and it shows an error in case there is any failure.

No - Default value, the device does not check the status of the printer.

Hide Terms & Conditions Checkbox

Yes - Hide the “Terms & Conditions” checkbox on the checkout screen

No - Default value, “Terms & Conditions” checkbox is displayed

Skip checkout view

Yes - If it’s enabled together with the following settings:

  • Passenger data disabled

  • Hide Terms & Conditions Checkbox

Then the checkout view is skipped. 

No - Default value, the checkout page is displayed

Auto Select Today

Yes - Today is auto selected in the calendar. It only applies if the “Reduced layout” setting is yes.

No - Default value, the user has to manually select a date on the calendar.


The calendar view is also customizable, for that, you can go to Sales Channel > Webshop > Edit your webshop > Attributes > Calendar


Setting Description
Timetable show upcoming only

Yes - The device only shows the upcoming events, it does not show the calendar

No - Default value, the device also shows the calendar


There are also some configurable labels in Sales Channel > Webshop > Edit your webshop > Attributes > Localization


Setting Description
Label Self-Service Inactive

Default - “Inactive Session”

You can change this text, it’s displayed on Figure 1 like “Label Self-Service Inactive”.

Label Self-Service Booking process timeout message

Default - “Due to inactivity we’ll close the booking process in X seconds”

You can change this text, it’s displayed on Figure 2 like “Label Self-Service Booking process timeout message”.

Label Self-Service Proceed booking

Default - “Proceed booking”

You can change this text, it’s displayed on Figure 2 like “Label Self-Service Proceed booking”.

Label Self-Service Cancel

Default - “Cancel”

You can change this text, it’s displayed on Figure 1 like “Label Self-Service Cancel”.

Label Self-Service Confirm timeout message

Default - “Due to inactivity we’ll close the booking confirm in X seconds”.

You can change this text, it’s displayed on Figure 1 like “Label Self-Service Confirm timeout message”.

Label Self-Service Extend

Default - “Extend”

You can change this text, it’s displayed on Figure 1 like “Label Self-Service Extend”.

Label Self-Service Close now

Default - “Close”

You can change this text, it’s displayed on Figure 1 like “Label Self-Service Close now”.



How to configure the offer

Apart from that, there are 2 configurable attributes on the offer level:

  • Display the offers in different columns




  • Display the offer’s picture in full width mode




The self-service screen will display this message if the customer is inactive during the process:




How to log in

The Palisis webshop will be automatically open just after clicking on the “Start Ticketing” button.


How to log out

The device is protected from logging out of the app, so you need to scan this QR on the scanner to log out of the Palisis app.