Where do I find it?
You can find the settings in Palisis by going to Sales Channels > Online > Webshop > Edit the webshop
After that, click on the Branding And Social tab at the bottom:
Then, scroll down and you will find the Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager settings:
What does it mean?
In this article, we are going to explain how to configure your Google Tag Manager account in order to track and analyze your Palisis webshop events.
What should I do in Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics?
You need to create an account in Google Tag Manager by clicking on the “Create Account” button.
Then enter a container name, for example, “My site”, you don’t need to enter the webshop URL here, and select the container type “Web”.
Once you have created the container you will be on this page:
Now you need to create two tags to transfer the data to Google Analytics, so you should click on Tags > New
Then enter a name for your tag, in our case we have named the tag “GA4 Configuration”, and click on the “Edit” icon:
Now, you need to select the Tag type “Google Analytics” and then "Google Tag":
Afterward, you need your Google Analytics ID as the “Measurement ID”.
You can easily find this information in Google Analytics. So please, go to Google Analytics, and then go to Admin > Data Streams:
Now copy the “MEASUREMENT ID”:
This is the information you need to enter in Google Tag Manager in your Tag Configuration, so you need to come back to Google Tag Manager and enter the Measurement ID here:
Finally, you can configure the Triggering and select “All pages”:
At this point you can create your second Tag by clicking again on New. In our case, we have named it as “GA4 Event Purchase”:
And for this tag, we are going to select the Tag Type “Google Analytics" and "Google Analytics: GA4 Event”:
The “Configuration Tag” should be our first tag (GA4 Configuration in our case), and the “Event Name” should be {{Event}}:
Now we have to configure the “Triggering” for this second Tag, and in this case, we are going to select “Custom Event”. For that, we need to create a new Trigger:
In our case we have named the trigger “GA4 Ecommerce Purchase Trigger”:
Once you click on the Edit button, then you need to select the trigger type “Custom Event”:
Now you need to enter an event name, in our case, we have named it “purchase”:
At this point, we have already created our Google Tag that will collect all the events and transfer them to Google Analytics when the “purchase” event takes place:
Finally, we need to Submit the information by going to Submit > Publish > Continue (you don’t need to enter a name):
At this point, you need to repeat the process for each of the events you want to track:
- Add to cart
- Remove from cart
- Being checkout
- Purchase
- Add Payment info
How to create an exploration?
Now you can create an exploration in Google Analytics to analyze your data. For that, go to Google Analytics and click on Explore:
You can choose a blank template or one of the pre-define ones. In our example, we will use a "Free form":
Here you can find more information about how to get started with "Explorations".
On the other hand, these are the parameters you can track from the Palisis webshop:
- ‘item_id' = Route Code
- 'item_name' = Route Name
- 'item_category' = Priceplan
- 'item_variant' = Passenger Category
- 'coupon' = 'Flyer Discount Code and/ or used E-Guma Voucher Code'
- 'price' = price per ticket of the regarding passenger category including applicable discount
- 'value' = Basket Value
- 'discount' = applied price reduction amount from a flyer discount or eguma voucher
- 'currency' = applied currency
- 'payment_type' = the used payment method
- 'quantity' = Quantity of tickets per passenger category
If your Palisis webshop is embeded in an iframe, it means that your website domain is different from the Palisis webshop domain so you need to setup the cross-domain measurement in Google Analytics in order to unified measurement across more than one domain. Here you can find the official Google Analytics documentation.
For more information about how to set up Google Analytics on your webshop with an iframe, please visit this article.
What should I do in Palisis?
That’s all, you have already setup your Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics accounts, you can enter the GA4 ID in the online-shop (Desktop) settings by going to Configuration > Sales Channels > Webshop > Edit: