What does it mean?
You can configure your available offers in different ways, it means that you can make specific changes related to every tour.
Where do I find it?
Configuration > Sales Channels > Online-Shop (Desktop)
What should I do?
Next to the offers, you can click on the gear-wheel and another menu pops up.
Please be aware that if you make a change in this menu you have to press “Save” twice to make the change permanent.
Let’s see what they mean:
1. Hide offer: Do you want the customer to be able to book this tour or not.
2. Date-time option: Allow the client to choose date and time or just the date - You have different possibilities here, either none, date or date-time. Which means the customer cannot choose a date, only date or even date & time for an event. Decide what you want as the default option for your webshop.
Here is another article where you can learn more about the date-time option “pick up point”.
3. Blackout event (in minutes): Set a time period before a departure where booking isn’t possible. For instance, if you don't want to allow last 5 minutes bookings, then you enter 5 in this field.
4. Pick-up hidden: Should the pick-up selection be displayed for this route.
5. Waypoint hidden: Hide the waypoints in the route description (for old webshop design).
6. Offer description label: You can rename the label for the offer description for all the languages. Note this setting is for old webshop design.
7. Allow event selection decide later: This feature allows your customers to issue a booking on the webshop without selecting an event date. Here is an article about it.
8. Message about allow event selection decide later: Label for the Decide later button.
9. Waypoint label: You can rename the label for the waypoints for all the languages. Note this setting is for old webshop design.
10. Timetable label: Enable a "Timetable" label (language specific). Note you need to enable the setting "Timetable".
11. Waypoints: You can enter a description instead of waypoints. You can do it for all the languages. Note this setting is for old webshop design.
12. Timetable: Enter a text for the "Timetable" section (language specific.). Note this setting is for the old webshop design.
13. Tripadvisor-Link: Enter a link to TripAdvisor, that way your customer can look up feedback for your tour with one click.
14. Route Upsell (Enter r-code): Enter the r-code of the upgraded route in case you want to offer an upgrade to your customers. You can find the r-code in the list of available or assigned offers, it should look like something like this: r-5336
A click on this link will lead you to the article “How to offer an upsell option on your webshop”.
15. Upsell/ Action: Enter a label for the upsell call to action button.
16. Upsell/ Price-Info Text (Token $price): It allows you to show the feature price with the token $price.
17. Upsell/ More-Intro Text (Token $bg): Enter additional information for the upsell box.
18. Limit Sales to Today: If it's enabled, then no date other than today can be selected on the calendar.