Release notes - July 2021

Blanca Castillo
Blanca Castillo
  • Updated


  • Update Viator integration to store ContactEmail in lead customer email, also set expiry time (+30 days) and set field to "email"

TourCMS will start to bring in Viator “traveller-protected contact email address”. These are temporary Viator email addresses that can be used to contact the customer, they expire 30 days after travel. 

In a future release, TourCMS will auto-delete these email addresses to keep customer CRM data clean.


  • Change UA (User-Agent) String used when checking domains for 404 errors

We have updated our User-Agent string used to verify domains to a more modern header in order to avoid any blocked request from our customers' servers.


  • Refund with disable triggers the cancellation notification

The system now sends a notification email when a booking has been refunded, as long as you have entered a notification email address for cancellations. For more information about email templates, you can visit our existing support article here


  • QR code implemented in passbook tickets

We have changed the barcode type on the passbook tickets. Previously passbook tickets had a PDF417 format but with the new release the passbook tickets show a standard QR code. For more information about how to activate Passbook, please visit our support article here

  • Adyen Bancontact Payments

Bancontact is one of the most popular payment methods in Belgium. We have enabled Palisis to accept this kind of payment for our Belgian customers.


  • Informative message when the original POS is offline at the moment of doing a refund

Now the user interface will show a descriptive message informing the user to switch on the device where the original payment was done and then retry.


  • Hide Legacy Reports

The old Legacy Reports are no longer accessible from the backoffice. If you still need to access one of these reports, you can head to this article where we provide the direct links.