Promo code extensions
New promo code functionalities like:
- Ability to limit promo codes by tour start day of the week
- Possibility of not to apply the promo code to options
- Restriction to specific rates
- Multiple times of use
- Return restrictions, usage and usage limit in show promo endpoint
You can read more about this topic in our article about promo codes.
Google reporting
Some improvements in the Reserve with Google interface:
- Tour whitelist improvements
- OTA status page for better Google error/warning reporting
Here you can find our article about the improved Reserve with Google interface.
TourCMS upstream improvement
Now it's also possible to send bookings and cancellations from Palisis to TourCMS.
Configurable Date Format in Booking cancellation messages
Possibility of configuring the date and time format in the "Booking Cancel Info" email template. Here you can find more information about "Email templates".
Pickup TimeTable Exception
In case of a pickup point is not operative for a certain period of time or for a specific date (due to a special circumstance), then this functionality allows you to close or block that pick-up point for certain or several events.
Adyen POS payments for CreditCard Partner
Now sales agents will be able to use their partner's payment gateway also when they are using Adyen POS for credit card payments. Here you can learn more about how to take payments with the Adyen POS device in your BoxOffice.
Currency Filter in At a glance reporting
New filter for currencies in the "at a glance" report.
Allow to reschedule to No event / departure in Palisis Backoffice
This feature allows you to re-schedule a booking to a no event just in a pair of clicks from your backend. Please, visit our article about this topic for more information.
Optional No Date (Decide Later) option in Boxoffice
New button "Decide later" in Boxoffice, so it's possible to make bookings without a selected event, which could be decided in the future.
Today and Devices Filters in CashSettlement
Additional filters in the Cash Management page, where you can filter now by device number and you can also quickly select the current date using the "Today" button. We invite you to visit our article about Cash Management for more information.