How to use the Boxoffice

Blanca Castillo
Blanca Castillo
  • Updated

Where do I find it?

In case you also have access to the Backoffice, you will be able to enter the Boxoffice by clicking on the Boxoffice icon on the menu sidebar.

Users without access to the Backoffice will directly enter the Boxoffice and find themselves on the initial page.

What does it mean?

This article will explain how to purchase products in the Boxoffice. After a detailed overview of the purchase process, additional functions will also be explained.

To sell tickets in the Boxoffice, firstly you will have to log into the Palisis System:




What should I do?

If “Point of Sales” has been set up, you will need to choose your location before being able to sell the products.


Having chosen a sales point, you will be able to access the products that are available in your Boxoffice account. These might be the products of your own company which are marked with a small house, or the products of a partner.


By clicking on either your own or the partner products, you will find the list of products that are available for being sold and by simply clicking on the desired product you will already reach the overview of different date/time options, price plans and pick-up points.


After choosing a date/time, a price plan, and the pick-up, you can specify the number of tickets you want to choose and the passenger categories you will need. Afterward, add the products directly to the basket.


Or you can first check out the summary of your purchase before adding it to the basket.


Having added the products you can either continue purchasing additional products or go to the basket to finalize the purchase.


When you go to the basket you will see a Summary of the products. When everything is correct please go on with the Checkout.


­In the checkout process, you will need to fill in all required data. You will also have the possibility to apply a discount code in case you have one.


You can use the "Customer search" field to search for already existing customer data.

It's important to advise your agents against using their email addresses to make bookings. Repeatedly entering the same email address may trigger the automatic fraud detection system of the payment gateway, resulting in the card being blocked for further use on our platform.

Once filled in the necessary data you can submit the order and will have the possibility to download the ticket or send it to yourself via Email. In case you entered an email address of the client you will also be able to send the ticket via to the client.



I now would like to go through the tabs on top. Not all of them may appear for you, based on the permissions you have.

The booking tab will show you the bookings made during the day. With the button “current cash” you will have the possibility to close the cash settlement manually, for example, if you have a shift change. In any case, the cash settlement will be closed automatically at midnight.


The partnering tab will give you the possibility to manage your partners. You will find an overview of the partners you are connected to and you also can end a partnership. All requests a potential new partner might send you will also appear in this tab and you can then accept or reject it. 


The User tab will give you an overview of the users in the Boxoffice. You also might have the possibility to delete users by clicking on the small cross beside the user.


The Help tab will lead you to some keyboard shortcuts that might be useful in your day-to-day work.


If you click on your name on the top right you will be able to change your password and also to update your contact data.


To leave the Boxoffice simply use the switch off button.
