Palisis Ticketing Release Notes 4.29.0

John Goeggel
John Goeggel
  • Updated

Dear Palisis customers

Today - Thursday 21th of March 2018 - we will release update 4.29.0 for Palisis Ticketing. In this update we will add a number of improvements which might be of interest to you:

Data export of cash settlements (sales & partner)

With this function we enable your staff to download all relevant data of your cash settlements. You can either download the data on the main cash management page for multiple cash settlements (filters apply) 


or a particular cash settlement


Those exports can be customized by using your already known report templates.


This works not only for your sales personnel but for your Partner cash settlements as well. (Please make sure your report template contains unredeemed vouchers.)

Speaking of Report templates, we added two new possible columns to the reporting:

Ticket_count & Passenger_count

Those two columns should help to improve the transparency of the ticket and passenger count of our system.

Filter selection of deleted items

Another improvement to our reporting is the added capability to select deleted items in your filter selection in the reporting. I.e. this would now allow looking at the statistics of a deleted Payment Account or other deleted content.


In addition to that we also added two improvements to the maintenance of webshops:

Higher resolution pictures of routes

Screen resolutions are getting higher and higher, so our past route pictures of 250 x 175 pixels weren’t suitable for high-resolution displays. That’s why we now allow the upload of pictures with higher resolutions of up to 1000 x 700 pixels (please maintain the same aspect ratio of 10/7).


Direct link to webshop item

If you now click on a selected item in a webshop, you’ll get automatically forwarded to that item in that webshop. Hereby you can easily check if that item is ready for sale.


Mandatory waypoint selection for the Boxoffice

If you want your boxoffice users to be forced to choose a waypoint after login, please contact our support department so we can force this behavior by changing your settings.

If you have any questions about release 4.29.0 you are more than welcome to send them to Thanks for your time and attention,

your Palisis team