What does it mean?
The Boxoffice is the Palisis booking engine where you can either sell your products or your partners can also do it for you. All the commissions will be automated calculated based on the "Partner Pricing" settings for each partner.
You can also use the Boxoffice to make manual bookings.
Where do I find it?
At the top of the Backoffice screen, you will find the link to the Boxoffice.
What should I do?
If your Boxoffice is still not active, please, contact Palisis AG at support@palisis.com in order to contract this functionality.
Set up the Boxoffice main options in the Sales Channel> Sales Configuration section: https://support.palisis.com/hc/en-us/articles/213823863-Sales-Configuration
Boxoffice for own sales
Only allowed users can access the Boxoffice, so first of all, make sure that the user has permissions for that (Configuration> User Management):
If the user is only allowed to access the Boxoffice, then after the login it will be redirected to the Boxoffice page directly. Although, if the user is also a Backoffice user, after it will be redirected to the Backoffice after the login, where you can access the Boxoffice by clicking on the top right side of the page as we have mentioned at the beginning of this article.
The sale process is very intuitive and useful, here you have all the steps of the sale process:
- Select your waypoint
- Select your offer (own account or a supplier account)
- Select Operation line and Route if applicable
- Select Date/Time
- Select Tickets
- Add to basket
- If you want to continue shopping then come back to point number 2. If not, then click on "Go to basket"
- Checkout
- Select payment account
- Introduce customer data if applicable
- Submit order: you can download the tickets as a PDF file, send them by email to your guest or to yourself.
The bookings made on your own Boxoffice starts with a "J" (i.e. J17J08QT500007RQIKIK). Those bookings will be registered as Direct Sales and they will remain with the status BOOKED until the checkin.
Boxoffice for partner sales
All the partners have access per se to the Boxoffice, but be sure that you have given them permission to sell your products in the Partnering> Sales agents> Partner Permission section. If you want to allow them to pay with a credit card on the BoxOffice, then you also have to enable that setting in the Partnering > Partner Management section.
The sales process, in that case, is the same as mentioned before.
The bookings made as a Mandated partner also start with a "J", they are registered as Indirect Sales, so they will remain as BOOKED until the moment of redemption.