How to show the EU Law Cookie message on your webshop

Blanca Castillo
Blanca Castillo
  • Updated

Where do I find it?

Sales channels > Webshop > Edit > Attributes > Eu Law Cookie


What does it mean?

This feature displays a message banner at the top of the screen to inform users about the use of cookies on the site. The banner includes a link to our Privacy Policy and a button for users to accept our use of cookies.


What should I do?

Navigate to Sales channels > Webshop > Edit > Attributes > Eu Law Cookie, where you want to insert the Message EU Law.

Once there, enable the "Message EU Law" for it to show the default EU law section in the webshop.

Now you can adapt the text for the title and the message as well as the confirmation button in the languages set in your webshop. Select the element you want to change and activate it. Make sure you choose the correct language in drop-down-list on the right and fill in the text in the description field.

  • Enable Message EU Law

if you enable this setting, then it will appear a header on your webshop alerting about the use of cookies.

  • Title Message EU Law

You can customize the title message instead of "Cookies on Palisis Instant Ticketing WebSite" for each language.

  • Message EU Law

You can also customize the message for each language.

  • Text button EU Law

You can customize the Text button for each language.

For example, for this configuration:


The EU Law cookie message would appear as follows: