How to do the mapping between TourCMS and Palisis

Blanca Castillo
Blanca Castillo
  • Updated

What does it mean?

In this article, we're going to explain step by step all the actions you have to do in order to map your TourCMS and your Palisis accounts. This mapping is needed for being able to redeem the TourCMS bookings in Palisis and also for sending bookings upstream from Palisis to TourCMS. For more information about this topic, please visit this article.


Where do I find it?

Configuration > Transportation > Priceplan and click on the small triangle icon on the left side of the priceplan name.


What should I do?

Step 1 - Confirm API connection

The API needs to be enabled for the channel or channels you want to map. For that, please head to Homepage > Configuration > System & setup > API and check if your channel or channels are enabled. If it's not enabled yet, then tick the corresponding box.


Step 2 - Check if your tours are properly published on the channel/channels

Please, go to Homepage > Partners > Data Quality and check if the tour or tours you want to map are fully setup of your channel or channels of reference.


If your tour or tours are not included here, then check the lists of those that can be improved or need to be fixed. Probably the descriptions or any other setting need to be improved.


Whether your tour is included in the can be improved or in the must be fixed list, you will find there the section you need to improve or amend:

Can be improved:


Must be fixed:

The sections that need to be fixed for each tour appeared listed with a red cross, and if you click on "See incomplete data" you will be redirected to that section.


Step 3 - Palisis Support maps your channel or channels

This step needs to be done by Palisis Support, so please write an email to asking for mapping your channel ID "X" with your Palisis account. Obviously, you need to indicate your TourCMS account name, channel ID and Palisis account name.

Once you have a confirmation from Palisis Support, then you can continue with the next step.

Step 4 - Priceplans mapping

This action exclusively takes place on Palisis backoffice, you need to go to your priceplans Configuration > Transportation > Priceplan and click on the small triangle icon on the left side of the priceplan name.

Then you will see a table with your seat categories, passenger categories, and prices. Here you need to click on the grey tab at the top left side of every cell for every passenger category and seat category you want to map. In our example, we're going to map the Standard seat category (STD) as the rest of seat categories have already been mapped (the tab turns to orange if the priceplan is mapped).

As an example, we're going to map the Standard category and the Adult passenger category with our TourCMS tour ID number 1. The process is always the same, so you can take this as a guide.

You need to fill in the fields number 1 to 4 with the following information:

1. TourCMS account number

2. Tour ID number

3. If the tour has different supplier notes, here you should enter the corresponding supplier note for this priceplan.

4. TourCMS channel id. If you enter a channel id here means that you only accept bookings on that channel id. If you don't enter any channel id here, it means that you accept booking for all your channels. Previously, the channel API key needs to be entered into the system by a member of the Palisis staff, so please, contact us via informing about the channel id and the API key and we will enter the credentials in the system.

5. Rate order in TourCMS, where r1 is always Adult. 


So, in our example:


1. TourCMS account number = 14641

2. Tour Id number = 7

3. Supplier note = English


4. Channel id = 15577 (only for TourCMS upstream integration)

5. Rate order for Adults = r1. "Child" would be r2, "Infant"=r3 and so on.


Finally, don't forget to click on "Save".

Now you can see how the tab has turned to orange for the Adult category. You should follow the same process with the rest of the passenger categories.

You can also map more than one TourCMS product with the same priceplan in Palisis. For that, you just need to click on "add" and fill in the fields with the corresponding information for the second mapping.


For complex configurations, please contact our Palisis support team

Please note that for TourCMS upstream only one line mapping is allowed and in case of missing mapping, you will see the following pop-up warning message:


For more information, please click here

Step 5 - Your bookings from TourCMS reach Palisis 

Now the mapping is done, so all the bookings made on TourCMS will be transferred to Palisis automatically, you can see them in the Operation section with the following naming for the Booking UID:

TourCMS| TourCMS account number | TourCMS booking ID

Every time Palisis receives a new booking from TourCMS, it checks the Travel agent who made the booking, and if it's not created in Palisis as a partner yet, it generates the Partnership automatically. Those partners who send bookings from TourCMS are named as "Partner name [TourCMS]". So for instance, the first time you receive a Viator booking in Palisis, the system will automatically create the partnership with Viator [TourCMS]. Please, don't forget to assign the corresponding commission in Palisis for this partner going to Partnering > Sales agents > Partner pricing.