- Sales User Commission V1. For more information about these topics, please, visit the following articles:
- Global Printout Test
- Passenger Country Selection
- Sunmi D3Mini support
- Sunmi T3ProMax and V3Mix support
- Group Ticket Token for Seat category and price
- Adding TCMSEX to HTTP exception
- Auto USB-Port selection for Star Printer
- Overjump back via the back button if result == 1
- Update Xamarin / Dependencies - Removing Handpoint PAX
- Refunds of entries where the item is disabled shouldn't be allowed
- The UI of Checkin bit broken in Adyen
- UI Adjustments for MultiCapacityBundle
- Manifest incorrectly displays the sales user name instead of the customer name
- On successful refund, the pop-up is not closed
- Manifest with additional information for handheld
- More information on the voucher screen
- SunmiD3 and PrinterCut Adjustments
- AutoPrint after Redemption is not working
- Page must not already have a parent
- Long-running voucher mode - percentage icon not working correctly
- AppCrashed CheckInWidgetStd.ShowBookingEntryInfo
- Reservation not added to basket
- Reservation from the Manifest is not working
- Can't set title due to threading issue
- Reschedule in Barcodescreen without event on Entry
- ExternalVoucherSelect Owner and BackButton on Screens broken
- Short Scan block if BarcodeIdent is open
- Quick Fix Loading Spinner remove
- UI Adjustments Print Error Screen
- Sales User Commission Graph and Data issues
- Print Screen - Full button text is not visible
- OperatorList fails to load; resolved by deleting the database
- Broken events if UTC is on the next day
- Broken permission popup in Android 12
- The PassengerData Input Cancel button broken
- UI flickering and title text issues during redemption transition on SelfScan devices
- The check-in widget not displaying after scanning the ticket on the self-scan validator device
- Famoco validator issues
- Famoco Validator Title Issue
- Loading spinner is shown after the print
- Booking entry details not visible in BarcodeScanWidget
For more information, please visit our support articles: