- Send reservation confirmation in boxoffice without payment link. Learn more about it in this support article.
- Best Practice Report - Commission - Extension
- Partner needs multiple Wildcard External Voucher blocks as long as they have a pattern. Assigning more than one external voucher block type ‘wildcard’ with a pattern for the same partner is possible. So, the device will recognize multiple patterns of external vouchers for the same partner. Learn more about it in this support article.
- Boxoffice passenger data search deduplication. Duplicated passengers are not returned in the BoxOffice passenger data search. Learn more about it in this support article.
- TimeoutException error in Marketpay from BackOffice
- Jump back on the static page after a successful booking
- Fix negative special permissions
- The E-Mail Template for TourCMS bookings is not sent correctly.
- The flyer discount doesn´t apply when you buy a bundle.
- googleMapsApiKey not returned in pitInitData
- DateTimeOption.PICKUPPOINT missing departures 3 months into the future
- Getting error "Message: text" while creating timetable season in new frontend
- Self-Service: The Bundle Back button does not go back to the start screen
- Flyer discount barcode download with HTTPS
- Refund - Refund in Mandated booking is not allowed
- /events service returning totalAvailableSeats: 0 when no capacity template is assigned
- SSR- Change date and Availability issue