How to configure "Routes"?

Blanca Castillo
Blanca Castillo
  • Updated

Where do I find it?

Configuration > Transportation > Routes


What does it mean?

Routes is where you define the different waypoints for all the offered tours of your business. First, you enter the name of the tour then a short description and the code for the tour. Once you've done this you should assign the tour to an operation line. Further, you can configure the description and presentation of the route on the webshop.


What should I do?

Fill in the necessary information about the tour:

  • Name: Route Name
  • Description: Enter a short description of the route
  • Additional Description: For more additional information about the route
  • Code: The code is like an abbreviation for the route
  • Operation Line: Assign the route to the according operation line

  • Image: This will be the photo displayed for the route in the webshop and in the boxoffice. You should upload a picture which size fits 250px width and 175px height, or multiples up to 1000px width and 700px height. You can add up to 5 images.

Please, also enter the information specifically for the online shop:

  • Name: The name of the route displayed in the online shop. You can configure this for all the languages you offer in the online shop by clicking on the small white box on the right
  • Description: Enter the description for each language 


  • Additional description: If you need additional information, enter it here. 
  • Illustrated as roundtrip in Onlineshop: it's a deprecated setting, it does not take any effect.
  • Highlighted as bestseller in Online-Shop: if it's marked, then the tour will appear as a "BESTSELLER" in the intro of the online shop widgets.

At last, it is important, that you assign your waypoints to the route. This is necessary in order to be able to create a timetable for your route. To do this, click on the small blue points next to the route name. 

Then, drag and drop the according waypoints from "Available waypoints" to "Assigned waypoints".

Keep in mind that, to be able to create timetables, you will at least have to assign one waypoint.