How to configure "Globals"

Blanca Castillo
Blanca Castillo
  • Updated

Where do I find it?

Configuration > Sales Channels > Globals


What does it mean?

Globals are shown on every Ticket sold over BoxOffice, WebShop, or your partners. Further, you can enter the link to terms and conditions, this link will be lodged under the button “Terms & Conditions” in your WebShop. You can also enter the logo of your company so it will be shown on every ticket, with 140px height and maximum 600px width.


What should I do?

Enter the relevant phone number and mail address for customer service and the link to your terms and conditions. Further, enter the logo of your company so it will be displayed on the ticket. All this information is shown on your online ticket and also on your voucher online tickets. The picture in the upper left corner and the rest in the lower right corner ("Palisis AG Admin - Blanca Castillo" is the equivalent to your BackOffice name).


BoxOffice Ticket:

Partner BoxOffice voucher:

Webshop ticket: It appears the Globals information except the logo, which is taken from the Online-Shop (Desktop) section.


New PDF Ticket layout:

1. The logo for the BoxOffice and Webshop tickets is taken from "Globals".

2. Contact details taken from the account > Contact Management.

3. Phone number, email and terms and conditiones URL are taken from "Globals".