How to configure new Users ("User Management")

Blanca Castillo
Blanca Castillo
  • Updated

Where do I find it?

Configuration > User Management


What does it mean?

In User Management you determine the system permission levels for different users. Please note that for every user a unique email address must be assigned and consequently can only be used once (for your sales user you can also use a dummy address e.g. john.doe@test.test, as long as they do not need access to the BackOffice). Please change the authority level, permissions as well as special permissions according to your needs. The list of all users is sortable by drag and drop. The Sales Users will be available on the Ticket-Terminal in the exact same order in which they are arranged in the BackOffice.


  •     Authority level:

A combination of different authority levels is possible.

  •     Back-Office Administrator (Only main Administrators, granted by Palisis only):

A Back-Office administrator can add, edit, and delete everything within the account. The administrator is the only user that can generate new users and change permissions from other users. This Role can only be activated by your responsible Customer Relationship Manager, as it requires a sign-off from the owner.

  •     BackOffice User

A Back-Office user can access the Back-Office using his credentials. Once a user is created an email will be sent to the respective email address verifying the address as well as offering the user an initial password, which must be changed after the first login. In case a Back-Office user forgets his password he can use the “forgot password” link on the login page of the Back-Office. The Back-Office access can be restricted to certain pages and view using permissions.

  •     Sales User

A Sales User can log in on the Ticket-Terminal and therefore requires a personal identification number (PIN) of between 1 & 8 characters (numeric only). Please make sure that every user receives his personal PIN and that those codes are not shared with other sellers.

  •     BoxOffice

This enables a user to sell tickets using the BoxOffice.

  •     Permissions

You can change for every Backoffice users the access to the different pages in the Back-Office. Remember that this does not include the User Management.

  •     Special Permissions

These are permissions solely for a user which have BackOffice access:

Cash Management read-only: this user has access to the cash management but he is not able to close and accept.

Cash Management close allowed: a user is allowed to close bookings.

Refund not allowed: this BackOffice user can not make any refunds (default setting: every BackOffice user is allowed to make refunds).

Refund user selection allowed: when making a refund, the user is allowed to select the user who is making the refund.

Billing: here you can allow the user to change the billing information (only for trusted users).

Partner Management: this user has access to the Partner Management within the Partnering section.

External Reference Batches: this user has access to the External Reference Batches where he can upload external reference files. 

User Management: This user can generate new users and adjust their permissions.

Manual Discount: this user has access to this section and can create manual discounts.

Boxoffice manual pricing allowed: this user can modify the price manually in Boxoffice.

Webhook Report: this user has access to the webhook report section.

Show Anonymize option on Ticket Search: this user can delete the customer data from bookings. Once the information is deleted, it is not possible to restore it. 


  • all granted

If you uncheck this box you will be able to grant access to every single feature manually.

For more information, please visit our article about user permissions here.


What should I do?

Register all your sellers, drivers, administrative-, operations- and accounting staff according to their role. Make sure that you use valid e-mail addresses for your Back-Office-Users, as they will receive their initial password by mail. For your street sellers you can also use an invalid e-mail address as they do not need to have a BackOffice login. You can always change the e-mail address later.


Once the new user is created, the system sends this email to the corresponding email address with the activation link.
