Palisis Ticketing - Release Notes 4.24.0, winter maintenance & holiday wishes

Julia Baumgartner
Julia Baumgartner
  • Updated

Dear Palisis customers

Once again a successful year comes to its conclusion and we at Palisis would like to use this opportunity to wish you and your loved one's happy holidays and a prosperous 2018!

On Wednesday the 20th of December, we released update 4.24.0. The most significant change in this update is the introduction of the new webshop widget design. You don’t need to be scared by this change; the widgets you are already using commercially won’t be affected by this change. Both designs - the old and the new one - are (still) at your disposal and we will continue the technical support for the old widgets for at least the next season.

You can choose to create a widget with the new design or switch between the designs if you go to Configuration > Transportation > Online-Shop Widgets and tick on the box beside “New design”.

Now if we open this new widget we can take a look at the new design:

We created the new design to improve the widget handling on mobile devices. Please try for yourself and let us know what you think about it.

Another topic we’d like to discuss is the off-season maintenance of your Palisis devices. Sadly this is a yearly recurring topic; Clients store away the devices during the winter and once operations get picked up again in spring, the devices have drained both their main and the built-in backup battery resulting in expensive RMA processes.

My esteemed colleague Pablo Moser wrote a short but comprehensive article about the correct off-season handling of your devices which we can strongly advise you to read:

Off-season maintenance of your Palisis devices

Please read or forward this important article to your staff to save us all time, money and missed sales. Thank you very much!

Speaking of your staff: If you want them to receive this newsletter on a regular basis, they can sign themselves up at:

Subscribe to the Palisis Customer mailing list here!


Our Palisis Support department will stand watch during the upcoming festive season (23rd of December 2017 - 2nd of January 2018) to help you if urgent technical difficulties should arise. However, please take into consideration that due to staff limitations we must strictly prioritize urgent and critical technical requests.

As the year and this newsletter come to their end we at Palisis would like to thank our customers for their kindness and their professionalism. From the bottom of our hearts, we’d like to say thank you!

We wish you a Merry Christmas, a happy new year and only the best of everything that is good! 


Yours sincerely, your Palisis team