Palisis Ticketing - Release Notes 4.21.0

John Goeggel
John Goeggel
  • Updated

Dear customers

We at Palisis just released an update to our software Palisis Ticketing. This update will contain some changes that could be of interest to you. Again, a large part of this update was dedicated to improving the functions of the "New Reporting":

We added the capability to filter by special payment account in the At a glance-report. 


Among those special payment methods is the Credit Card (Partner), which shows you the payments that were already paid to you over the partner webshops but whose vouchers are not yet redeemed. The Voucher (Credit Card), which are almost the same but just for the redeemed ones, and the External Voucher payments which are those payments that were done with your own issued vouchers.

We also added the exact start and end date to every time comparison. Please note that you can influence this comparison by activating the Year/Month/Week/Day to day setting.


The new reporting is now also capable to export the data of all passengers in a booking and we now can sort each export by booking date, event date, and Ticket ID, which has the convenient effect of listing a ticket with all its associated events (redemption, check-in, refund, etc.). We can choose this setting whenever we create or edit a report template (Reports & Analysis > Configuration > Report Templates).


Regarding the report templates, we also gave you the capability to edit your already existing templates.

Reporting is not the only topic affected by this release:

Upon popular demand, we added the capability to use language specific pictures for the selected language of the customer during the booking procedure on your webshop. This enables you to add information like maps or instructions in the language of your webshop (Configuration > Transport > Online-Shop configuration).


We also gave our clients more and better control over the commission settings of their partners. Now you only get to see in the partner pricing section the products he can actually sell for you which improved the loading speed of this tab drastically.


With the last update, we had an issue with granting the refunding capability to every box office user (own or partner). This issue will vanish with this release.

In case you have any in-depth questions about release 4.21.0 you are more than welcome to send them to Thank you very much for your attention and time!